When mixed nut brand OVH first heard about the viral internet challenge No Nut November, they thought it was an absolute travesty. A whole month where young adult males deny themselves nut-based gratification??? That’s why they and their tenacious mascot decide to launch a crusade to get everyone to enjoy a nut and SAY NO TO NO NUT NOVEMBER.

Having the Nuts to Get In On the Conversation
Additionally, we co-opted the challenge by running targeted ads in online spaces where the conversation is most frenzied, such as the No Nut November Subreddit, X (formerly twitter), and even the popular gay dating app Grindr.

Raising Eyebrows and Raising Donations
Each touchstone of our campaign led consumers to, where they were encouraged to sign a petition, pledging to enjoy a nut all November long. Best of all OVH donated a dollar for each of the first 50,000 signatures gathered to Conscious Alliance, a charity on a mission to fight hunger.